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Gold Fever Best Hair extensions

In the world of hair extensions, achieving the perfect blend between natural hair and extensions is an art form.

At Gold Fever, we understand the importance of impeccable colour matching to ensure that your hair extensions look nothing short of seamless.

Whether you're a salon owner or a stylist seeking that flawless, natural appearance, our guide to colour matching mastery will help you master the art.

Understanding natural hair

The first rule of colour matching is to get familiar with your client's natural hair. Study it under various lighting conditions to understand the nuances in their hair colour.

Take note of any highlights, lowlights, or undertones that might be present. It's these subtleties that can make all the difference in creating a natural look.

Exploring your colour options

Gold Fever offers a wide range of colours to choose from, ensuring that you can find the perfect match for your client. Our shades are carefully curated to mimic natural hair colours and their variations.

From warm caramels to rich chocolates and cool ash blondes, our extensions are designed to blend seamlessly with any hair type.


The power of swatches

When in doubt, use swatches! Swatch cards featuring Gold Fever's range of colours are an invaluable tool in the colour matching process. They allow you to compare the shades and find the closest match to your client's hair. It's a reliable way to ensure your client's extensions will harmonise beautifully with their natural hair.

The magic of natural light

When assessing colour matching, nothing beats natural light. It's your most honest ally in evaluating how the hair extensions will appear in various settings. Take your client outside or near a window and observe how the colours interact with natural daylight.

This step can be an eye-opener, revealing nuances that artificial lighting might miss.

A custom blend for perfection

Sometimes, achieving the perfect match requires a custom blend of colours. Don't hesitate to mix and match different shades to create a bespoke look for your client.

This level of customisation can take the natural appearance of the extensions to the next level.

Gold Fever Custom Blend Extensions UK

Quality matters

At Gold Fever, our hair extensions are crafted with the utmost precision. Our focus on quality ensures that the extensions maintain their true colour and sheen, even after styling and washing. This quality factor is key in maintaining the natural appearance of the hair.

Professional training for colour mastery

Gold Fever offers training and education programs for professionals looking to master the art of colour matching. Our experts provide in-depth guidance on understanding nuances in hair colour and selecting the perfect extensions. We're here to support your journey in creating a seamless, natural look for your clients.

Tips for the application process

When it comes to applying the extensions, make sure the chosen method aligns with your client's hair type. tape-in, keratin bond, clip-in, or weft extensions should be selected based on the natural hair's texture and thickness.

The application should be seamless, providing both comfort and a flawless finish (and we've got tips for hair extensions maintenance too!)

Blending and styling for perfection

Blending the extensions with natural hair is the last step in achieving that perfect look. It's here that the skills of a professional stylist truly shine.

Utilise your expertise to create a seamless transition from natural hair to extensions. Pay attention to the length and style to ensure a harmonious appearance.

Gold Fever's commitment to providing the finest, most natural-looking hair extensions goes hand in hand with our dedication to colour matching mastery.

With the right understanding, tools and accessories, and attention to detail, you can achieve a flawless and natural look for your clients.

It's a journey that allows you to elevate their confidence and style, all while embracing the beauty of natural hair. Start it today!